Kids can Capture is a photography blog for kids and parents. Learn cool tips, awesome tricks, and information about Prima's photography workshops.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fun Focus

Kids love getting creative with a camera and taking tons of photos. While they are in the creative process, why not give them a little photography project to keep the ideas flowing. Kids don't need a lot of direction when it comes to taking photos. Just give them a camera and they are ready to go! However, to keep them focused, here are a few ideas for getting your shutterbugs clicking away!

Tell a Story: It could be about how dad makes his famous pancakes, the story of special moment or just the day a friend came over.  Capturing all the moments is exciting!

Pets: What's so awesome about your pet? What does your pet do that makes them so special?

All Around Town: On your next shopping trip, encourage your kid to look around and capture life where they live.  They may have a newer appreciation of their town.

Get Silly: Photos don't have to make sense. Encourage kids to get silly and creative by photographing anything they like from any angle – high, low, tilted. Tell them don’t think - just capture!

Word Search: Give your kid a list of words that they must find a take a photo of. This can be lots of fun!

So the next time your kids start complaining their bored, give them a camera and a photography idea. It could keep them busy for their entire holiday; the only downside is that you may not get to your computer!


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